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  • Ahh, that clears everything up! Thank you so much.
  • I understand that T doesn't change if it's a slow-paying reinsurer or not. I'm more so asking what T is in this problem in general since I don't believe it was used in the solution at all. I used the hypothetical of a slow-paying because T is needed…
  • Oof I had no idea it was that much. I'm borrowing a copy from my employer's "actuarial library". There is zero chance I would have bought my own copy at that price!
  • Got it. Thank you for clarifying! I get a tad paranoid that I'm going to misinterpret the syllabus and not study something I should or waste time studying more than I need to (I'm not sure which is worse).
  • After spending _way _too long trying to figure out why I wasn't getting the correct answer, I realized there is a typo in the Excel format version of this problem:
  • Ahh, I think I'm following the intent. I suppose I interpreted the question a little differently. I was assuming it was asking to 'identify other differences between [Part 1 of the] IEE and Part 3 of U&IE' (since both Parts exclusively pertai…
  • If a second vote helps prioritize the to do list, I would also greatly appreciate having the older exams in excel format. The practice is invaluable. Thank you!
  • Thanks for clarifying! For the same reason, I believe the Calculation Problem (CP) from RBC Mini Battle Quiz 3 (modeled from 2017.Spring #19) is also partially outdated. It references both 'Federal income tax recoverable' and 'Other non-insurance…
  • Isn't that version (2014) outdated? Shouldn't we be studying the 2020 version?
  • Apologies, but I feel like I'm losing my mind. Are we looking at the same edition of Odomirok? I'm looking at the link in the current syllabus and page 239 is chapter 18 (IEE).…