Post Exam Summary - Exam 6U

CAS just posted the post exam summary for various exams including 6U. The report comments that "many candidates had an incomplete understanding regarding how certain components of investment income are determined as well as how they are reflected on the Income Statement versus the Cash Flow Statement." My question is for the second part of this comment. Does the syllabus mention anything for Cash Flow Statement? If someone can provide any example that will be great.


  • edited October 2023

    The syllabus does not mention anything about "cash flow" or "cash flow statement". Below are the Learning Objectives and Knowledge Statements from Section C of the syllabus for "Financial Reporting and Taxation".

    Note 1: The cash flow statement is discussed briefly at the end of chapter 4 in the Odomirok text, but it is only 2 paragraphs and is very general, so I'm not sure why the CAS would deem it significant enough to mention in their comments.

    Note 2: The term "cash flow statement" also does not appear in any of the SSAPs, although the "cash flow" appears frequently in SSAP 62-R (reinsurance accounting) but this doesn't seem to be what the CAS is referring to in their post-exam comments.

  • Thank you for your response!

  • You're welcome! :)

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