2018F 20


The linked solution is old. The one from the CAS website is adjusted to accept all of the rejected answers



  • My gosh, that's crazy. I would have no way of knowing that (other than to download every examiners' report every cycle report and check for changes, which isn't really feasible.)

    At least they didn't disallow previously acceptable answers. It looks like they simply expanded the range of acceptable answers.

    I will update this in our database tomorrow. (You might have to clear your cache to get the new version to download.)

  • edited October 2022

    Yeah no problem, I thought I was going crazy since my notes had those as accepted but the link showed it as not accepted. The full pdf on your excel practice page looks good though, which is where I initially saw that answer. Thanks!

  • Oh, ok. I downloaded the examiners' again when I created that Excel Practice wiki page, which was a couple of years after downloading the examiners' reports the first time. It's fixed now (as long as your browser cache is properly cleared.) Thanks!

  • I cannot find any wiki article describing the details of ORSA and this past exam question assumed you know how ORSA works. I just want to clarify whether I need to know the details of ORSA for the exam.

  • edited March 25

    The Wiki provides a link to Wikipedia's article on ORSA as shown in the screen shot below (and the direct link to the wikipedia article is shown below the screenshot.


  • I should have asked in another way: How far do i need to know regarding the details of ORSA? Do i need to remember those details or just need to have a general idea what ORSA is?

  • edited March 30

    The specific answer to part b of this question is on Odomirok page 352.

    There is no dedicated reading for ORSA and as such, it is not a prime syllabus topic. It is mentioned only tangentially. You really just need a very general idea of what ORSA is so the above reference and the link provided in the wiki should suffice.

    We do make certain decisions as to what to include in the wiki from the source text and what to exclude, otherwise the wiki would be just as long as the source text, which would not be helpful. For the very important readings, like the SAO and some of the Odomirok text on financial reporting, it's a good idea to keep the source text handy. For lower-ranked readings, you don't need the source text - the wiki and Battle Cards have 99.9% of anything that would ever be asked on the exam.

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