Deriving GAAP Surplus from SAP Surplus

Is there a full formula for how to get GAAP Surplus given SAP Surplus? (E.g. All the potential adjustments like provision for reins., etc.)


  • edited June 2020

    There isn't such a formula given in the text and I doubt such a formula exists.

    In the wiki, I provided a simple formula that works just for the exam problems I referenced, but in general there are likely too many "nooks and crannies" that comprise the totality of differences between SAP and GAAP for there to be a formula that would always work. That's something that probably requires the expertise of an accountant to sort out.

    I think here, the CAS just wants you to be aware that there are important differences between SAP and GAAP and to have a basic idea of what some of those differences are.

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